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刘奇 《天文学报》2021,62(4):46
电磁兼容性是设备或系统的重要性能指标, 也是保障系统的工作效能和提高系统可靠性的重要因素. 大口径射电望远镜运行阶段, 台址周围无线电业务及内部潜在的电磁干扰会降低观测系统灵敏度、影响天文观测的质量. 本论文针对拟建的新疆110 m全向可动射电望远镜(Qi Tai raido Telescope, QTT)开展了系统电磁兼容评估技术及控制方法研究, 具有重要的工程应用价值. 首先, 依据现有电波环境测量方法的不足, 深入分析了仪器设备的关键参数配置方法及测量时间计算方法, 采用Y因子法校准测量数据, 提出一种准实时电波环境测量方法. 面向高重复性宽带频谱, 分析了宽带频谱信号和噪声特征, 结合标准差理论, 提出一种基于邻值比较的信噪分离方法, 并采用邻值统计方法优化关键参数, 提高信噪分离精度. 针对QTT台址, 开发了自动化电波环境监测系统, 该系统6 GHz以下频段系统增益大于40 dB, 系统噪声系数小于2 dB, 测量不确定度小于1.49 dB, 具有极高的系统灵敏度和测量精度; 分析了频谱监测数据流, 设计了基于HDF5 (Hierarchical Data Format version 5)的数据存储格式, 开发了自动化电波环境测量和监控软件及数据处理软件. 依据QTT台址长期监测数据, 评估分析了台址电磁环境、主要干扰源特征及其影响. 其次, 提出大口径射电望远镜馈源口面干扰电平限值量化方法, 建立了基于台址地形的电波传播模型, 分析了现有电波传播模型的优缺点及适应性, 结合QTT台址实际地形及地质特征, 采用Longley-Rice和Two-Ray电波传播模型, 预测分析了QTT台址潜在干扰区域电磁干扰达到射电望远镜的电波路径衰减, 结合大口径射电望远镜天线增益量化方法, 提出设备所在位置干扰电平限值量化方法, 运用该方法对QTT台址潜在干扰区域的干扰电平限值进行量化. 依据设备所在位置干扰电平限值, 调研分析了国内外军用、民用电磁兼容测量标准, 结合电磁干扰对射电天文观测的影响, 提出一种大口径射电望远镜电磁兼容控制方法, 解决了现有电波暗室测量系统无法直接测量评估电子设备电磁兼容的问题, 该电磁兼容控制方法计划应用于QTT建设及运行阶段, 确保系统拥有良好的电磁兼容性. 最后, 依据QTT台址潜在干扰区域干扰电平限值, 结合典型电子设备电磁辐射频谱, 分析了QTT电磁兼容设计需求, 提出电磁兼容设计初步方案. 另外, 针对台址建筑设施内的中低电磁辐射干扰源, 提出一种低成本建筑屏蔽方法, 应用于QTT台址现有建筑.  相似文献   
地震预报意见以大量资料为基础,依靠专家经验和多学科知识并通过会商讨论形成。显著地震发生后,快速、准确、有效地研判震情可为后期应急指挥和地震现场工作奠定基础。本文以Datist软件为平台,基于四川及邻区的基础资料,设计研发符合四川震情的震后会商资料快速产出系统,当四川及邻区发生中强地震时,通过该系统可在收到地震短信5分钟内以请求触发的方式快速产出应急会商资料,并以微信、PowerPoint和Word的形式将基础资料发送给分析预报人员,为后期趋势分析奠定基础。  相似文献   
Liu  Qionghuan  Zhang  Yili  Liu  Linshan  Li  Lanhui  Qi  Wei 《地理学报(英文版)》2019,29(11):1841-1858

We analyzed the spatial local accuracy of land cover (LC) datasets for the Qiangtang Plateau, High Asia, incorporating 923 field sampling points and seven LC compilations including the International Geosphere Biosphere Programme Data and Information System (IGBPDIS), Global Land cover mapping at 30 m resolution (GlobeLand30), MODIS Land Cover Type product (MCD12Q1), Climate Change Initiative Land Cover (CCI-LC), Global Land Cover 2000 (GLC2000), University of Maryland (UMD), and GlobCover 2009 (Glob-Cover). We initially compared resultant similarities and differences in both area and spatial patterns and analyzed inherent relationships with data sources. We then applied a geographically weighted regression (GWR) approach to predict local accuracy variation. The results of this study reveal that distinct differences, even inverse time series trends, in LC data between CCI-LC and MCD12Q1 were present between 2001 and 2015, with the exception of category areal discordance between the seven datasets. We also show a series of evident discrepancies amongst the LC datasets sampled here in terms of spatial patterns, that is, high spatial congruence is mainly seen in the homogeneous southeastern region of the study area while a low degree of spatial congruence is widely distributed across heterogeneous northwestern and northeastern regions. The overall combined spatial accuracy of the seven LC datasets considered here is less than 70%, and the GlobeLand30 and CCI-LC datasets exhibit higher local accuracy than their counterparts, yielding maximum overall accuracy (OA) values of 77.39% and 61.43%, respectively. Finally, 5.63% of this area is characterized by both high assessment and accuracy (HH) values, mainly located in central and eastern regions of the Qiangtang Plateau, while most low accuracy regions are found in northern, northeastern, and western regions.

为探究重金属在红树林沉积物及红树植物中的分布累积及迁移规律,选取了徐闻南山镇红树林为研究对象,通过测定红树林沉积物及红树植物不同部位(根、茎、叶)的重金属质量分数,运用富集因子、生物富集系数、转移系数及相关性分析等方法进行分析。结果表明:1)红树林沉积物重金属质量分数表现为铬(Cr)>锌(Zn)>镍(Ni)>铜(Cu)>铅(Pb)>砷(As)>汞(Hg)>镉(Cd),为中等变异程度;除了镍(Ni)元素外,其余7种重金属未超过国家一级标准,除了铅(Pb)元素外,其余7种重金属均超过广东省土壤环境背景值,说明研究区沉积物中重金属具有一定的积累效应。2)沉积物中砷(As)、铜(Cu)、锌(Zn)、汞(Hg)、镍(Ni)、铬(Cr)富集因子值均>1.5,说明受到轻微人为活动影响;各站位镍(Ni)富集因子值均>5,结合研究区背景,反映了镍(Ni)受到自然和人为输入的共同影响。3)白骨壤体内重金属主要集中在根部,而红海榄体内重金属在根茎叶中分布相对均匀。白骨壤根茎叶部位的大多数重金属质量分数远高于红海榄,说明白骨壤对重金属的吸附能力比红海榄强。汞(Hg)集中分布在植物的叶片部位,且与其他重金属之间相关性不明显;推测汞(Hg)主要通过叶片吸收进入植物体内,与交通运输污染有关。4)不同红树植物对不同重金属富集能力各异,白骨壤对重金属的富集能力表现为:镉(Cd)>砷(As)>铜(Cu)>锌(Zn)>汞(Hg)>铅(Pb)>镍(Ni)>铬(Cr),红海榄表现为:镉(Cd)>铜(Cu)>汞(Hg)>锌(Zn)>铅(Pb)>砷(As)>镍(Ni)>铬(Cr)。白骨壤和红海榄对汞(Hg)的运移能力都较强;红海榄对镉(Cd)的富集能力和转运能力都较强,而白骨壤对镉(Cd)富集能力较强,转运能力却较弱,这说明红树植物对重金属元素的富集能力与转运能力不存在正比关系。  相似文献   
Food safety is an important issue for the development of the national economy and society. Studying regional food supply and demand from the perspective of land resource carrying capacity can provide new references for regional resource sustainability. This study uses the data from farmer and herdsmen household questionnaires, statistical data, land use data, and other sources to construct a land resource carrying capacity (LCC) assessment framework, targeting the food supply and demand of residents in representative areas, specifically the typical grassland pastoral areas, sandy pastoral areas and agro-pastoral areas on the Xilin Gol grassland transects. The three food nutritional indicators of calories, protein and fat were selected for analyzing the balance of land resource carrying capacity. We found that: 1) Along the Xilin Gol grassland, the main local food supply showed a shift from meat and milk to grains, vegetables and fruits. 2) From north to south along the grassland transects, the calorie intake increased gradually, while the intake of protein and fat was highest in pastoral areas and lowest in agricultural areas. 3) The overall land resource carrying capacity of the Xilin Gol grassland transects was in a surplus state, but the land carrying capacity of typical grassland pastoral area was higher than the two other types of areas. This study provides an empirical reference for the sustainable development of regional food nutrition.  相似文献   
The accurate and precise determination of Li isotopic composition by MC‐ICP‐MS suffers from the poor performance of traditional column chromatography. Previously established chromatographic processes cannot completely remove Na in complex geological samples, which is currently interpreted to be a result of Na breakthrough. In this study, Na breakthrough during single‐column purification was found to differ between simply artificial Na‐containing sample solutions, where a little Na residue was found, and silicate rocks, where a large amount of breakthrough occurred. A revised two‐step column purification for Li using 0.5 and 0.3 mol l?1 HCl as eluents was designed to remove the Na. This modified method achieves high‐efficiency Li purification from Na and consequently avoiding high Na/Li ratio interference for subsequent MC‐ICP‐MS analyses. The proposed method was validated by the analysis of a series of reference materials, including Li2CO3 (IRMM‐016, ‐0.10‰), basalt (BCR‐2: 2.68‰; BHVO‐2: 4.39‰), andesite (AGV‐2: 6.46‰; RGM‐2: 2.59‰), granodiorite (GSP‐2: ?0.87‰) and seawater (CASS‐5, 30.88‰). This work reports early Na appearance prior to the elution curves in chromatography and emphasises its influence for subsequent Li isotope measurement. Based on the findings, the established two‐step method would be more secure than single‐column chemistry for Li purification.  相似文献   
基于正交匹配追踪的声层析方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
声速剖面的变化会对声传播产生较大的影响,经验正交函数模型经常用来实现对声速剖面数据的简化描述。然而在内波、湍流等海水不均匀性存在时,这种正则化操作会造成声速重构精度的大幅降低。本文利用字典学习生成声速剖面的非正交原子,在稀疏编码时采用正交匹配追踪(OMP,Orthogonal Matching Pursuit)算法,更新字典则使用KSVD (Kernel Singular Value Decomposition)的字典更新算法。由于字典学习不需要强制使用正交条件,对于训练数据更加灵活,从而可以使用少数的原子组合达到更高的重构精度。利用一次浅海声学实验多次测量的声速剖面研究了海水声速剖面的经验正交函数表示和字典学习,研究表明:相比于正交函数表示,学习字典可以利用少数原子(甚至一个原子)更好的解释声速剖面扰动。字典学习可以提高声速剖面的稀疏性,从而提高声速剖面的反演精度。  相似文献   
We present optical luminosity functions(LFs) of galaxies in the~(0.1) g,~(0.1) r,~(0.1) i bands, calculated using data in~40 deg~2 sky area of the LAMOST Complete Spectroscopic Survey of Pointing Area(LaCoSSPAr) in the Southern Galactic Cap. Redshifts for galaxies brighter than r = 18.1 were obtained mainly with LAMOST. In each band, LFs derived using both parametric and non-parametric maximum likelihood methods agree well with each other. In the0.1 r band, our fitting parameters of the Schechter function are φ_*=(1.65 ± 0.36) × 10~(-2) h~3 Mpc~(-3), M_*=-20.69 ± 0.06 mag and α =-1.12 ± 0.08,which agree with previous studies. Separate LFs are also derived for emission line galaxies and absorption line galaxies. The LFs of absorption line galaxies show a dip at~(0.1) r ~18.5 and can be fitted well by a double-Gaussian function, suggesting a bimodality in passive galaxies.  相似文献   
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